Filing for divorce often involves many complicated issues. Spouses must divide martial property, and issues such as child support, child custody and spousal support often come into play. Any Worcester divorce lawyer would likely tell our readers that having the right information can be helpful when people are faced with these kinds of matters to ensure the most seamless transition possible into a post-divorce phase of life is attainable.
As previously discussed, the enforcement of child support can be difficult for the recipient after a divorce. Unpaid child support also has a big impact on taxpayers. According to the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, over $100 billion is owed in unpaid child support. Nearly half is owed to taxpayers who are supporting children on public assistance.
If child support payments are not made, many children need public assistance. In that situation, back child support payments are supposed to be made to the government as reimbursement. For lower income mothers, child support represents around 45 percent of their household income. Non-payment of child support is a big reason why 41 percent of homes headed by a single woman are below the poverty level.
While these statistics are staggering, there are several ways to enforce a child support order. Paychecks can be garnished and tax refunds can be intercepted. State-granted privileges, such as driver’s licenses, can also be revoked. Anyone who is in need of having a child support order enforced would be wise to get the best information available about all potential avenues to ensure compliance.
Source: CNN, “Deadbeat parents cost taxpayers $53 billion,” Steve Hargreaves, Nov. 5, 2012