Someone going through a divorce might regard his or her spouse as crazy, but what if that’s actually the case? An opposing party who has a diagnosed mental or emotional condition might not respond in a predictable manner to traditional litigation tactics, such as settlement discussions. Such an individual may also resist attempts by the soon-to-be former spouse at reaching agreements out of court.
If you are concerned that a high-touch spouse might elevate minor disputes into litigation gridlock, take a proactive approach by consulting with an attorney. Although a family law court has the authority to resolve such disputes, our law firm believes there are more time and cost-efficient approaches.
Specifically, we recommend that an individual preparing for a divorce consult with a family law firm that has experience in a variety of divorce approaches, including mediation and collaborative law. An attorney with that background may have the professional training and demeanor to diffuse potentially explosive situations and minimize conflicts by sticking to the facts and working toward a resolution.
A recent article offers tips for dealing with a narcissist. Such an individual might resist settlement offers and actually prefer a courtroom battle. Instead of racking up substantial fees by resolving issues in court, we recommend exploring various strategies, such as setting boundaries. One boundary might be requiring all communications with the opposing party to be made through one’s attorney. Our law firm has helped clients going through even the most contentious of divorces. Check out our family law website to learn more about our practice.
Source: Psychology Today, “Divorcing a Narcissist,” Peg Streep, May 11, 2016