With the holiday season passed, many individuals are filing for or contemplating divorce. In fact, in some circles, January has become known as “Divorce Month.” Experts suggest January is the month when many start researching their options regarding marriage dissolution.
In fact, divorce rates spike in January then continue to rise until they peak in March. Even those who file divorce papers in March likely begin the process of researching their options early in the year, often avoiding doing so during the holidays in order to prevent family disruption during an otherwise happy time. Other reasons individuals may wait until the New Year to file for divorce is to avoid tax complications and in order to include any end-of-the-year bonuses in property division disputes.
Regardless of which month has the most divorces, there is only one right time for an individual to seek divorce: when he or she is ready. Perhaps the best way to feel prepared and comfortable with a divorce is to plan ahead. A Worcester Divorce Lawyer may be able to assist in developing a divorce plan that leaves the party in a favorable position going into negotiations with a maximized chance of a promising outcome.
Many divorce legal issues can arise when the decision is made to dissolve the marriage. Amongst these are property division, child custody, child support, and alimony. With emotions running on high, divorcing couples often argue over one or more of these issues. A divorce attorney can either help negotiate a fair resolution with the other side or, if a settlement cannot be reached, the attorney can fight for his or her client in front of a judge. By being organized and prepared, a divorcing party and his or her attorney will know what to expect in negotiations and when facing a judge, and they can plan accordingly.
Source: CNN, “In January, ‘ex’ marks the spot,” Sarah LeTrent, Jan. 17, 2014