Worcester Family Law Conciliation Lawyer

Conciliation is an alternative to litigation. Conciliation is a non-binding form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (“ADR”), that SederLaw offers for all divorcechild supportalimony, asset and debt division, parenting and custody, modification and contempt issues, probate estate and guardianship disputes.

As Conciliators, we use our decades of legal experience to guide cases to resolution. A Conciliator does not provide legal advice to either person. They remain impartial at all times. They cannot force you to settle. A Conciliator helps clients evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each other’s claims. Conciliation requires each person to genuinely critique his or her demands, and then pursue a productive and agreeable result using honest communication. As a neutral Conciliator, skilled as a litigator but now serving you as a neutral figure, we share an objective, honest, and firm legal and personal analysis of all claims. Through this conciliatory process, each party learns the benefit of settlement. You create your own outcome rather than paying the emotional and financial cost of a court hearing, after which a Judge decides your family’s destiny.

We are specially equipped to serve as your Conciliator. Our decades of advocacy in all areas of the Probate and Family Court have honed our unique skills and temperament for this rewarding work. Contact us for a consultation.

SederLaw helps clients with conciliation in Worcester from their primary office as well as clients throughout MetroWest from their Westborough office.

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