Anger can have an effect on divorce proceeding

It is normal for people going through the dissolution of a marriage in Massachusetts to feel frustrated and emotionally exhausted. This is true whether the couple has few assets or many assets of high value. Anger does actually offer a few benefits, but it can also be a destructive emotion during the process of divorce.

Anger during divorce can have a variety of causes, including rejection, broken promises or even fear of the future. One benefit of anger that a person can capitalize on during the divorce process is that it alerts the person that there is a threat to his or her dignity or safety. It has the potential to help people to protect themselves from harm as well as to stick up for themselves when necessary.

Anger, however, becomes a problem if it controls the decision-making process during divorce proceedings. For instance, making a decision simply to get even with one’s spouse might end up backfiring financially. In addition, fighting with a spouse over child custody and threatening to take the children away can cause unnecessary stress for everyone, including the children.

If the parties in a Massachusetts divorce proceeding are able to see eye to eye, they may find direct negotiations or formal mediation to be effective. These alternatives to litigation enable the two people to work toward a settlement that satisfies both parties without having to go to trial, which can be a lengthy, costly and stressful process. However, if they cannot work through their issues on their own, a judge will end up having to make important decisions for them regarding these matters.

Source:, “Learning To Let The Divorce Anger Go”, Dec. 8, 2016