Key Elements Of A Shareholder Agreement

A shareholder agreement, sometimes referred to as a stockholder agreement, is an understanding among shareholders that spells out how a company is to be operated. Moreover, the shareholder agreement includes provisions that govern the shareholders’ rights and responsibilities. These contracts are critical to ensuring that the best interests of shareholders are protected...

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Important Steps To Take When Buying A Business

Purchasing a business should rightly be viewed as a process, rather than a one-time event. There’s too much at stake - your money, your time, and other opportunities you’ve chosen to forego - to rush through buying even the most appealing and profitable business. Our clients come to us seeking legal guidance...

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Collecting Secured and Unsecured Debts as a Creditor

Collecting secured and unsecured debts as a creditor is no easy task, both because of legal hurdles and the difficulty of locating debtors and their assets. When deciding whether to pursue a debtor, the creditor must weigh the risks and expenses of litigation versus the potential payoff of collecting. Close attention must...

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Business Continuity Plan

This guide discusses emergency preparedness and business continuity planning for private employers. It addresses the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) and its corresponding general industry standards, steps for effective emergency planning, employment law considerations, and strategies for continuing business operations.

1. Form an Emergency Planning Team

Select a...
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Four Elements of a Non-Compete that Can Trigger Disputes

Covenants not to compete (Non-Compete) have become increasingly common in recent years. In fact, some argue that they have become too common, adversely affecting the economy and creating unnecessary problems for both employers and employees. These agreements can be vital to protecting a business' interests as long as they are crafted carefully and used...
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Choosing The Right Type Of Construction Contract

There is a lot of thought that goes into planning a construction project. Before you start looking at builders, you may spend a considerable amount of time deciding what you want to include in the project. When it is time to start heading toward the negotiation table, it is essential to think about what type...
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The Big Print Giveth and The Fine Print Taketh Away

The term "boilerplate" is a word with has evolved over time to describe standard language in a contractual document that is often thought to have little or no legal significance. Typical boilerplate language is characterized as being in small print and located in obscure, unobtrusive areas of documents, such as the reverse side of...

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