Prenuptial agreements serve a number of vital purposes in the world of family law. Primarily, their purpose is to avoid lengthy, expensive, and emotionally draining litigation in the event the marriage ultimately fails. One sometimes overlooked advantage of these agreements is the protection they offer for a spouse’s inheritance. If you are...
Category: Prenuptial and Post-Nuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements can help those marrying later in life
Prenuptial agreements may help dog owners during divorce
Many pet owners in Massachusetts adore their dogs, viewing them as immediate family members. Therefore, it is easy to see why divorce can spark bitter battles between two people who share a dog. However, an increasing number of dog owners are deciding to put together pet prenuptial agreements prior to getting...
Prenuptial agreements may especially help small business owners
Aside from having a baby, getting married is among the most exciting events two people can experience. However, before walking down the aisle, couples may benefit from creating and signing prenuptial agreements. This is particularly true for those who are small business owners in Massachusetts and elsewhere.
A business that is developed during the...
Prenuptial agreements better than using separate bank accounts
Entering into a premarital agreement may seem like a quick path to getting divorced in the near future. However, premarital agreements -- which are also commonly known as prenuptial agreements -- can actually be helpful for a marriage, as they allow couples in Massachusetts to discuss their finances and marital expectations before they...
Prenuptial agreements offer many advantages
The decision of whether or not to enter into any kind of formal legal agreement before getting married is a personal one. In some cases, couples who are about to get married in the state of Massachusetts prefer not to enter into a prenuptial agreement because they assume that their marriages will last. However,...
Prenuptial and post-nuptial agreements can address assets, debt
When people in Massachusetts think about a prenup or postnup, they may immediately think about celebrities and the messy divorces they experience. In reality, a difficult divorce can happen to a person at any income level. It makes good sense for couples to get prenuptial agreements before saying their vows, or post\-nuptial agreements...
Prenuptial agreements can protect intellectual ideas
Millennials in Massachusetts and elsewhere place more value on experiences than they do on possessions. In the same way, the latest trend shows that when it comes to prenuptial agreements, millennials place just as much value on their ideas that they do on their money. More millennials are seeking to protect their intellectual...
Prenuptial agreements can help to protect one’s finances
When couples marry, they likely do not anticipate the marriage will end in divorce. A prenuptial agreement essentially dictates which spouse will get what if they end up divorcing in Massachusetts. Although this type of agreement sometimes gets a bad rap, prenuptial agreements are known to soothe the hard feelings and complexities that...
Prenuptial contracts can organize assets for cohabitating couples
Same-sex couples now have the legal right to marry anywhere in the United States, which is a wonderful step toward achieving the financial and contractual benefits offered by a legal marital classification. However, that status is only prospective, and may not accurately represent the various arrangements that a same-sex couple has been enjoying for...