Deciding whether a prenuptial agreement is right for you and your spouse is a personal decision that only the two of you can make together. But in making that decision, you can be setting yourself up for a healthy marriage while still protecting yourself in case a divorce were to arise in the future.
That’s what prenuptial agreements are all about. There’s this perception that they are all about deception and greed, and that the contracts somehow predict divorce before a couple even gets married simply because the contract makes the couple confront the thorny question of divorce and all it entails.
But that’s the beauty of it. Talking about property division and asset protection is an important conversation for a soon-to-be-married couple to have. Think about it: would you want to get married without confronting some important financial topics? That conversation could actually allow you and your soon-to-be-spouse to have an even better marriage since both of you will be on the same page about a critical issue — and you don’t even have to ultimately have a prenup to feel secure in this way.
Whether you sign a prenuptial agreement or not is entirely up to you and your spouse — but it is still an important conversation and topic. Even if you don’t get a prenup and the two of you later wish that you had one, there is always the option of a postnuptial agreement. This functions in practically the same manner as a prenup.
Source: FindLaw, “How to Determine if a Prenuptial Agreement is Right for You,” Accessed June 7, 2016