child custody

How To Modify Child Custody In Massachusetts

Child custody decisions aren’t written in stone. Courts recognize that situations can change for parents and their children and that these changes may necessitate a modification of custody. But not every change will require modifying the custody order. Whether you’re the parent requesting a custody modification, or the one opposed to it,...

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Who Can Benefit From Conciliation and how does it work?

The traditional Probate and Family Court system is effective for many clients. But some divorce and family law cases can be resolved faster and with less expense. This depends, in part, on the clients’ ability to communicate with each other even in an emotionally difficult time. For such couples, conciliation could be very beneficial. Conciliation...
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College Education Expenses and Child Support

The support of children during and following a divorce is a complex matter. The interplay between child support and college education expenses is an example of this. Payment of college education expenses, like child support, can be enforced, modified, or terminated in the Probate Court. Typically, when a child is attending college full-time and...
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Different child custody arrangements possible

When two parents in Massachusetts get divorced, their divorce decree will spell out which parent will get to keep their shared children. It will also detail how visitation will work. Two types of custody that are important to take into consideration when working out a child custody arrangement during divorce are legal custody...

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