Should high-asset divorces include estate planning?

Although a couple may desire a quick and easy divorce, a recent article reminds of us the importance of taking a thorough inventory of issues and assets when a substantial amount of property is at stake. Indeed, a high-asset divorce can pose several challenges. For starters, Massachusetts state law contemplates alimony or child support...
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Is debt division a major part of your divorce?

Massachusetts is a state where marital property is divided based on the principle of equitable distribution, which basically means a fair division. "Fair" is not always "equal," however. Equitable distribution may involve the spouses' shared debts, and dividing debts and assets can be particularly complicated when one or both spouses own a business. If you...
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Can you appeal a divorce decree in Massachusetts?

Whether you're a regular reader of our blog or a first time visitor, chances are you are aware of the fact that Massachusetts divides property in a divorce according to the equitable distribution rule. Despite what is suggested by its title, equitable distribution doesn't mean a 50/50 cut of marital property. In fact, there...
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How can business valuation affect property division?

Property division is rarely ever the easiest step in the divorce process. This is because most Massachusetts couples don't realize how entangled their assets -- as well as their debts -- have become until they are forced to separate them. As you can imagine, this can lead to disputes, especially if one spouse thinks...
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