Exit Strategies for Business Owners
Attorney Pam Stevens will present on the topic of Exit Strategies for Business Owners, at a Worcester Business Owners Forum, on October 3, 2019 at Worcester Country Club.
The event is hosted by UBS Financial. Attorney Stevens will join other industry experts, who will share their insights on navigating through business issues including legalities, family, employees and community.
Attorney Pam Stevens
Pam, who was recently named a 2019 Top Woman of Law, concentrates her practice in the areas of business, commercial real estate, nonprofit, and employment law. She frequently advises closely held and family owned companies at all stages of the law. Helping business owners make better decisions and manage risk, she partners with clients on business formation, shareholder agreements, contracts, employment practices and documentation, financing, asset acquisition and sales, purchase and sale of commercial real estate, commercial leasing and succession planning and exit strategies.
To attend the Worcester Business Owners Forum or, for additional event information contact: Deborah Masiello: deborah.masiello@ubs.com or to register email: SH-UBS-Worcester-Events@ubs.com
View Presentation Slides (PDF)