Seder & Chandler, LLP Again Included In “Best Law Firm” Rankings In U.S. News & World Report Publication
Worcester, MA – November 12, 2013 -U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers have released their 2014 rankings of “Best Law Firms”. Those rankings show that Seder Law, 339 Main Street, Worcester, Massachusetts is included, for the third year in a row, among the metropolitan “first-tier” rankings in the following categories: Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights/Insolvency and Reorganization Law; and Corporate Law. Seder Law also repeated its metropolitan “second-tier” recognition in Litigation – Bankruptcy; and in Commercial Litigation.
Seder Law’s first-tier metropolitan rankings will be featured in the “Best Law Firms” General Counsel Publication, which will be distributed to more than 30,000 in-house counsel and in digital format to more than 60,000 private practice lawyers worldwide. The rankings in their entirety are posted at